Teacher Technology Use Agreement

diciembre 18, 2020 leedeforest

The attached document provides an overview of the key details, resources and expectations for this responsible management of the Newberg School District`s technology resources. Please read this document with your role in helping to manage technology responsibly in the Newberg School District. In order for your student to use a digital device, please take the time to check this document and discuss it with your students. Both parents/guardians and students must sign the agreement and return it to the student`s school as soon as possible. Instructions: After reading the THSNet app for the account and terms and conditions, please read and complete the corresponding parts of the contract below in a complete and legible manner. The signature of a parent or legal guardian is also required. Please return the contract to your teacher. All questions should also be addressed to your teacher. Despite the impressive scale of school and district involvement, if we take a closer look at the impact of the network on students and teachers, the picture is much less bright, as the type of access to the network is very limited in most ShareNet schools. THSNet is an electronic network that accesses INTERNET. The Internet is an electronic highway that connects thousands of computers worldwide and millions of individual subscribers. Students and teachers have access to it: when your account is opened, your teacher informs you of your registration code and user password. Thank you for your interest and support in this exciting new resource in Indian schools.

At one level, ShareNet is an example of a very successful district-level initiative to create a regional telecommunications network. The network includes 54 school districts in two states, 462 schools with more than 250,000 students and 18,000 teachers. Newberg School District educators believe that technology offers students unique opportunities to learn how to innovate, create, communicate, work together and more. With these remarkable benefits of using technology in education, the regular use of technology offers students the opportunity to become responsible digital citizens.