Understanding The 4 Agreements

abril 13, 2021 leedeforest

The third agreement describes the question of whether assumptions are made as to how it leads to suffering and why individuals should not participate in doing so. If you assume what others think, it can create stress and interpersonal conflict, because the person thinks that his hypothesis is a representation of the truth. [10] Ruiz believes that one solution to overcome the adoption act is to ask questions and ensure that communication between those involved is clear. [9] Individuals can avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama by not taking any assumptions. [1] What it contains: This concept deals with understanding how the behavior of others is merely a reflection of them. If someone gives us feedback on our behaviour or about us as human beings, it is important to remember that no opinion is really objective; We all have our prejudices, our filters, through which we see the world. That is why we should not regard the views of others on ourselves or our actions as perfectly correct. When someone talks about us, he really says something about himself and how he sees the world. The most damaging of these agreements confirm that you are never enough; That you are constantly lagging behind a strange ideal. The result? The agreements you have made, knowingly and unknowingly, are the fundamental source of suffering and aspiration in your life. Worse, they make you a vector of suffering in the world around you. In the first part of this 2-part video, we learn how the «domestication» of men and how all the rules and values of our family and society are imposed on us by a system of punishment and reward. As young children, our true nature is to love and be happy, to explore and enjoy life; We are absolutely authentic.

But then we learn to be what others think we should, and because it`s not normal that we are who we are, we start pretending we`re not what we`re not. When we are teenagers, we have learned to judge ourselves, to punish ourselves and to reward ourselves after agreements that we have never chosen. The four agreements help us break self-limitation agreements and replace them with agreements that bring us freedom, happiness and love. One drawback of the book is that some of the chords are too extreme, and if you take them literally, they can cause additional problems in your life if taken without a proverbial grain of salt. However, with a little balance and a sense of openness, these chords can change and alleviate stress. Here is an explanation of the four agreements. Why not try to break one of the hundreds or thousands of agreements you have now? Maybe you`re thinking you`re not good at painting — break the watercolors and have fun creating something. By gradually continuing the process, you can change things gradually for the better. That`s the deal. With regard to your question about the indistinguishable in your answer, I refer you to «The Four Agreements» in order to understand what miguel Ruiz means when he uses that term.

Most people lack his explanation because they read «irreprosibly» and distort them in other concepts that are already stored in their minds. There`s a big difference! As for intransition, this word certainly has the connotation of perfectionism, and if we take it that way, we would indeed go crazy. (Besides, the impeccability and other agreements you make with yourself, not the requirements that Ruiz imposes on you.) On the other hand, if you engage perfectly with your word as your goal, if you commit to be as honest and kind as possible with your words, without waiting for perfection of yourself or to fight if you are too short, this agreement could improve your well-being with yourself.