Shared Care Agreements Nhs

octubre 7, 2021 leedeforest

A common care directive describes ways of dividing responsibilities in managing the prescription of a medicine between the specialist and a prescribing family doctor. Prescribers of basic care are invited to participate. If they are not able to take on these tasks, it is not obliged to do so. In this case, all the clinical responsibility of the patient in this diagnosed state remains with the specialist. Prescribers are reminded that the doctor who prescribes the drug legally assumes clinical responsibility for the drug and the consequences of its use. A circular from the Ministry of Health first defined the principles governing common care. It was EL91 (127) and can be viewed below: sharing care involves communication between the specialist, the family doctor and the patient (and/or caregiver). The intention to share care should be explained to the patient by the doctor starting treatment. It is important that patients are consulted about the treatment and that they agree with this. Patients receiving the given drug should be followed regularly, which provides the opportunity to discuss drug therapy. Sometimes it`s hard to give patients as much information or help as you want to make decisions due to the strain on your time or the limited resources available. To contribute to this, you must consider the role that other members of the health team could play and other sources of information and assistance available. Examples include patient information brochures, advocacy services, expert programmes or self-help groups for people with certain diseases.

Joint care requires the agreement of all parties, including the patient. Effective communication and ongoing link between all parties to a common care agreement is essential. A Shared Care Agreement (ACS) describes suggested ways to divide responsibilities in managing the prescription of a drug between the specialist and the family physician. Click below on your area to continue. Medicines are listed according to the categories of the BNF. If the medication you are looking for is not listed, there is currently no common care. If you were prescribing on the recommendation of another doctor, nurse or health professional, you must ensure that the prescription is necessary, appropriate for the patient and necessary within the limits of your skills. If you share the responsibility of caring for a patient with a colleague, you must be able to exercise your share of clinical responsibility. You should: AMBER with SHARED CARE drugs require significant monitoring and to qualify, it must be called so by the East Lancashire Drug & Therapeutics Committee.

Prescribers of basic services are advised not to take charge of prescribing these drugs unless they have been duly informed by letter of their responsibilities for monitoring, side effects and interactions and are happy to assume responsibility for prescribing. A copy of the locally approved joint care document (if applicable) should be appended to this letter refining these responsibilities. Primary care prescribers should then inform secondary care of their intentions as soon as possible by letter and, if necessary, proceed with the transmission of care.. . . .